
See how a 28-Day Juice Challenge can change your life for the better.

Christine Crandon

After completing the 28-day juice program, Christine Crandon lost 16.6 lbs. Her weight loss, shinier hair, and stronger nails have her feeling confident and more energetic.

Jason Crosby

Depression and body image issues are what motivated Jason to make changes. Once he committed to our program, he found improvement in his mental and physical health. Best of all, he finally quit smoking.

Fern Uruqhart

Living with an autoimmune disease left Fern with severe acne. She successfully took the 7-day detox which has improved the appearance of her skin with the added benefit of losing 8 pounds. Fern is now educated on a healthier way of life.

Sarah Haywood

Suffering from a painful dermis ailment left her anxious and self-conscious. She looked to the 28-day juice challenge for a natural approach. Her skin has cleared up and she lost 24 pounds which is a bonus. Sarah is so happy that she never gave up hope!